Archive for September, 2010

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. . . . .” (Romans 12:2)

COMMENT: Dear Saints, I often talk about some of my character flaws, but today I want to tell you about a “victory”! When I first became a Christian I read a booklet that told me to start sitting in the front of the church so I would not be distracted by others. Well, as time went on, I realized there was another reason to take a front seat. . . . . I need a lot of room when I worship the Lord. A couple of months ago a new couple joined our Church and one Sunday morning I walked up the aisle to see “my space” occupied by the newcomers. I was pleased that my response was calm as I took a seat across the aisle. I was pleased because I know that if the same situation had taken place a few years ago, my self-centeredness would have been on display.
I’m sure I would not have said anything to the couple, but I am positive that I would have made it my business to arrive early the next Sunday and “reclaim” my seat. The “squatters” haven’t been in church for several Sundays but I have respected their “territory” by leaving it empty. If, in the future, someone decides to preempt my current “abode”, I thank God that I will react in the same godly manner I just told you about.
SCRIPTURE STUDY:1 Corinthians 13:4 – 7

Sincerely Yours, Gene McGuire