“You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13)

COMMENT: The other day I ran across a news story that seemed unbelievable, but there it was. Well, I’ll give you the bare facts. . . .literally! As you know, there are organizations like the Humane Society of the United States and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals which are quite fanatical about people who kill animal to use their fur for warmth. They make many protests against the use of animals for that purpose. One of the most bizarre protests I have ever heard recently occurred at a fashion show in Paris where protesters, after gaining access to the function, stripped off their clothes and paraded on the runway sporting only posters which read:”I’D RATHER GO NAKED THAN WEAR FUR” (The Washington Post) If I were a wagering man, I’d bet dollars to donuts that the majority of these same people who are so sympatric about the plight of those “poor fury animals” firmly believe in a woman’s right to murder her unborn child. To me, this seems to be such a contradiction in reasoning. . .it is okay to kill a human being, but don’t touch a single hair of a fox, sable or mink. As a Christian, I see things God’s way. When Adam and Eve sinned and became aware of their nakedness, God made them tunics of skin….and where do you think that skin came from? You are very perceptive. . . . YES, FROM ANIMALS!!!! In fact, God had Adam name them in Genesis 2:20. Also,take note of all the animal sacrifices in the Old Testament which were foreshadows of the Lamb of God Who gave His life for the world.

SCRIPTURE STUDY: Psalm 106:37 & 38, Matthew 5:21 and James 4:2


  1. Monice Garcia Ibarra says:

    This is a good easay of not to murder someone it is really bad to murder a person that you dont now.

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