Archive for the ‘Change your status’ Category




Steve Covey wrote a book with the above title. In this book he tells an interesting story about an incident that happened in a Time Management Seminar. The instructor displayed a glass jar and several fist-size rocks. He filled the jar with the rocks and then asked the audience if the jar were full. The unanimous answer was YES!!! The instructor then reached under the counter and pulled out a container of gravel which he promptly poured into the jar. The gravel fitted neatly in between the big rocks. He then asked the group, “is the jar full?” By now they were on to him and answered a resounding NO!!! The leader then produced a container filled with sand which had no problem joining the rocks and the gravel. Once again he asked the same question and the group responded NO. they were right because he immediately displayed a pitcher of water and filled the jar to the brim. You have probably guessed the reason for this demonstration; if you don’t put the big rocks in first, you won’t be able to get them in later. If you don’t get the big rocks in first and you fill your life with the sand and gravel of unimportant things, then there’s no room left for the big rocks. We’d be surprised as to how much of the other things we’d be able to fit in if we put the big rocks in first. When you put FIRST THINGS FIRST, God enables you to get all of the other somewhat urgent things done. I suspect that we can all agree that a couple of “big rocks” we Christians should put in first are prayer and bible reading.

USA Today Poll Results: Only 11%,” of Americans read the Bible every day. More than half read it less than once a month or never at all. 18% of born-again Christians read their Bibles once a day, while 23% who professed to be Christians said they never read their bibles at all. In which statistical grouping do you find yourself? Are you satisfied being there? If you’re not, today would be a great time to change your status.