Archive for the ‘Thanksgiving’ Category

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere.” (2 Corinthians 2:14)

COMMENT: One Fall we once again had a “big stink” in Washington DC. No, I’m not talking about corrupt politicians, I am talking about The Titan Arum, more commonly known as the CORPSE FLOWER. This “flower” is a native to Sumatra and can grow to nearly 9 feet tall!! When it is in full bloom the foul odor is often compared to rotting fish, garbage and road kill. (I hope you’ve already had your breakfast!) Now I am not getting personal, but how do you smell?. . . .spiritually speaking, that is! One of the ways we Christians can spread the fragrance of Christ is through our behavior. Let me give you a “for instance”. While viewing National Football League games, I have always marveled at the way Tony Dungy, the head coach of the Indiana Colts, carries himself with calm dignity. I had suspicions that he might be a Christian. The other day when I was at my favorite Christian bookstore my hunch was confirmed. I saw his picture on the cover of Sports Spectrum, a Christian sports magazine. The article about him was titled “Quiet Fire”. In part, Dungy says: “God has expectations of you in this business. You’re a lamp and how you carry yourself is very important in the midst of the spiritual challenges.” What challenge? “Remaining humble when you do well, and keeping a decent attitude when you’re losing.” I’d say that this brother would be a great role model to emulate. What do you think?

NEWS BRIEF: Joe Gibbs, another Christian head coach, had something to say after his Washington Redskins clinched a playoff position with their 5th straight victory Sunday. “I feel humbled and really thankful the Lord’s blessed us with a great bunch of guys.” (Washington Times, Monday, January 2, 2006) And this is what Jansen, one of Gibb’s players, had to say about him: “He’s the same way after a four-game winning streak and a possible trip to the playoffs as he was after a three-game losing streak and being on the brink of elimination. And that’s what you need from a head coach.” (The Washington Times, Friday, Dec. 30, 2005)

SCRIPTURE STUDY: Matthew 5:13-16 and Col. 4:5,6