Posts Tagged ‘Noah’


 ” So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.” (Genesis 5:23,24)
COMMENT: Most of us would say that living 365 years would be quite a lengthy life for sure! However, if you lived during Enoch’s time you might have a different idea. Let me give you some examples of the longevity of some of this gentleman’s contemporaries: Methuselah – 969 years, Adam – 930 years, Seth – 912 years, Cainan – 910 years. However, Enoch and Noah were the only two people written in the Bible to have “walked with God”. From that information, I gather that it is not the quantity of time spent on this earth that counts . . . .it’s the quality. Some time ago my Pastor, Amos Dodge, told the congregation about a good friend of his who died at an early age but had used his time effectively and efficiently. Pastor Ron Mehl built a church from 15 to over 6,000 members, the largest church in the State of Oregon. He also wrote 10 books including the best seller, “God Works the Night Shift”.  None of us know how much time we have left on this planet, so wouldn’t it behoove us to “redeem the time” so that we can hear Jesus utter the words we all long for: “Well done, you good and faithful servant”?
SCRIPTURE STUDY: Luke 19:17 and Ephesians 5:15,16
POST SCRIPT:  I just got a letter from an inmate who wants a pen pal. He is a Christian but his family members will not correspond with him. He wrote and told me that he is in a cell by himself for 23 hours a day and he has a couple of decades to spend there.  If you would be interested in becoming a pen pal, please let me know.
Sincerely Yours, Gene McGuire